Heinricht Strohbach

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19 maart 1913 [19.03.1913]
Schledehausen-Bissendorf (Osnabr ck)
10 mei 1940 [10.05.1940]
Locatie sneuvelen:


  • De 254e Infanterie Division had als taakgebied de sector Nijmegen - Cuijk. Daarbinnen lag n Maasbrug, te weten de spoorbrug tussen Mook en Katwijk. Deze was vooreerst doelwit van een Brandenburger commando, maar deze faalden, zodat de Nederlanders de brug tijdig konden opblazen. Nadien zou IR.474 de taak krijgen de oversteek bij Mook te forceren. Dat gelukte pas na het middaguur op de eerste oorlogsdag.

    Men had drie oversteekpunten geselecteerd. Op rechts vanaf het klooster te Mook (III./474), centraal bij de bocht in de Maas net ten zuiden van Mook (II./474) en links ter hoogte van Middelaar (II./474). Het 1e bataljon was reserve. De bataljons werden door 1./Pi.Btl.254 ondersteund. Tevens waren er enkele 10,5 cm en 15 cm afdelingen die vanuit de sector Groesbeek konden ondersteunen. Een batterij 8,8 cm FLAK van 49e Flak Abt. alsmede eigen Panzerj ger steunden met direct vuur.

    Twee zwakke pogingen om over te steken waren door de Nederlanders afgewezen. Na het middaguur, toen vrijwel alle Nederlandse kazematten door direct vuur waren uitgeschakeld, slaagde de overgang wel. Bij deze oversteek sneuvelden tenminste 24 man van de Duitse aanvalsgroepen. Merendeels waren zij van II./474.
  • Unteroffizier Strobach sneuvelde bij het gevecht te Mook.
  • The 254th Infanterie Division had been ordered to advance throught the Nymegen-Cuyk sector. Within that sector was one Meuse bridge, a railway bridge between the hamlets Mook and Katwijk. It was primarily targeted by Brandenburger commando's, but they failed to siege the bridge, which was timely destroyed by Dutch defenders. This meant that the Meuse sector had to be seized by a traditional infantry assault across the Meuse. This was the task of 254.ID, that had IR.474 lead the way.

    Regiment selected three crossing points. On the far right side (III./474) from the large Mook monastery area. In the central sector near the large curve in the river south of Mook (II./474) and on the far left near the hamlet of Middelaar (II.474). 1st Batallion was held in reserve. The assaultgroups were supplied with rafts and boats of the pioneer batallion and supported by the pioneers of 1./Pi.Btl.254. Direct fire support was given by the 3,7 cm AT guns, a half battery 8,8 cm of the 49th Flak Abt, whereas indirect fire support was given by no less than three 10,5 cm and 15 cm arty batallions near the Groesbeek sector.

    Two weak - perhaps even probing - attempts to cross the river had been easily repelled by the Dutch defenders. A third massive assault was launched shortly after noon, but not before direct fire support had silenced practically all Dutch reinforcements. This third attempt was successful. The assaults demanded 24 KIA amongst the attackers, most of which were of II./474.
  • Unteroffizier Strobach was killed in action at Mook.


  • Geen.